Our sidecar research started on Tuesday we had two appointments for seeing
the bikes. The first sidecar was not driveable at all. The tyres were flat,
it had no batterie and all in all it was in really bad condition. The owner
told us that we could bring it to a garage and it would take maybe 2 till 3
months to fix it. But we do not have that much time ;-).
The second appointment was funnily in the same town just 12km out of
Tallinn. So we took the same bus like in the morning.
The young guy was not really nice and he just wanted to push us to buy the
bike. The sidecar was not complete. We would have to fix it buy ourselves
and he as-well had no batterie. He just put a car batterie on it and showed
us that the engine is working. But the problem was that we could not even
ride it once. When we offered him to come back tomorrow with a motorbike
batterie he just said that he has 2 other people coming tonight so that
would be too late. All this stories did not "smell" good for us, so we
We had one more option in Narva-Joesuu, 200km east of Tallin next to the
beach. So here we are...